Swecare creates meeting places where the Swedish life science sector can strengthen their international relationships
Developing Global Partnerships in Health
Swecare is a unique non-profit platform where academia, public and private sector join forces toward enhanced export and internationalization of Swedish health care and life science.
Swecare’s work is based on the triple helix model where academia, public sector, and private sector jointly address health care challenges. Joining forces and addressing problems from multiple angles in turn increases collaboration and international competitiveness of Swedish health care.
Sweden is a pioneer in cancer control and has excellent prerequisites for implementing precision health and medicine. Our tradition of close collaboration between universities, healthcare providers and the life science industry has been a path to success for new advances in cancer care and treatment. Swedish companies contribute to medical breakthroughs in more precise pharmaceutical and radiation treatments; advanced, often digital, diagnostic technologies and innovative monitoring and follow-up methods. Will you join Sweden in treating and defeating cancer?